Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dont be that Girl

Don't be that Girl by Travis L. Stork, MD and Leah Furman. This book is about 150 pages. This book is mostly psychological. Its very interesting to read the whole thing. It deals with the "types of girls" that out there. How can i put it, its a book for girls written by "The Bachelor" himself telling girls his opinion about how girls should behave when dating a new guy. He does not degrade women. On the contrary, he makes girls understand that sometimes guys can be jerks and how girls can change to finally meet "prince charming." I feel like this book should be read by single and in a relationship girls. It made me have an epiphany and realize that i was wrong. In case you read it, you would know what I'm talking when you hit the Lost Girl chapter. I feel that in the end this book is exactly what i needed with self-esteem and helped me be prepared when it comes to dating. It doesn't hurt to read it and i really do recommend girls to read it.